Airborne Engineers Association

AEA Scotland Golf 2010. Craig McQuade, Gil Nicol, Andy Mullen, Jim Simpson and Mick Walker. Gordon McLeod on Ben Ledi, Aberfoyle February 2013. Gordon McLeod on Ben Ledi, Aberfoyle February 2013   Gordon McLeod on Ben Ledi, Aberfoyle February 2013 
Gorn McLeod Hillwalking 2013Frank Murray and Gil Nicol - Falkirk Sappers Group BBQ 17 August 2013 Falkirk Sappers Group BBQ Tullibody 17 August 2013Falkirk Sappers Group BBQ 17 August 201
Myra Nicol, Frank Murray and Alex McWhirter Falkirk  Sappers Group BBQ 17 August 2013 17 August 2013. Host, Joe Davidson and Myra Nico,l Falkirk Sappers Group BBQ Tullibody Falkirk Sappers Group BBQ 17 August 201Guards Club 19 June 2013 L to R Kim Panton, Alec McWhirter, Gil Nicol, John Donaldson, Dougie Archibald and Gordon McLeod.
Gil Nicol and Craig McQuade Horse Guards Parade 13 November 2011Gil Nicol and Dougie Archibald Horse Guards Parade 13 November 2011 Remembrance Parade November 2011-Frank Murray, Craig McQuade, Gil Nicol, Dougie Archibald, dont know, Jack Braithwaite.Remembrance Parade November 2011-Dougie Archibald proudly wearing his fathers medals
Meeting of 21 July 2013Meeting 21 July 2013Meeting 21 July 2013 Members of Lothian Branch PRA at their meeting on 21 July 2013

Members of the Lothian Branch PRA at their meeting on 21 July 2013 2

AFD Glenrothes. Gordon McLeod, Kenny Wratten, Gil Nicol, Kim Panton 

Airborne Forces Day Glenrothes.  John Donaldson, Kenny Wratten and Gil Nichol 

AFD, Glenrothes, Fife.  Gordon McLeod, John Donaldson, Mick Walker, Gil Nicol, Kim Panton and Frank Murray. 

  Airborne Forces Day Glenrothes 2 John Donaldson, Kenny Wratten and Gil Nicol. Kim Panton, Gil Nicol, Gordon McLeod and John Donaldson.   PRA Standard Bearers PRA Standard Bearers 
Airborne Forces Day Glenrothes. Kim Panton trying to cadge a lift.Airborne Forces Day Glenrothes.jpg 12 Gordon, Kim and John hitching a ride in a jeep Airborne Forces Day Glenrothes 27 July 2013.jpg 8 John DonaldsonAirborne Forces Day Glenrothes 27 July 2013 John Donaldson and Kim Panton
Airborne Forces Day Glenrothes 27 July 2013. Two PRA Veterans. Gordon McLeod and Bobby Urquhart Capital Hotel, Edinburgh 8 December 2013. Gil Nicol, Gordon McLeod, Eoghann maclachlainn, Mick Walker, John Donaldson and Frank Murray.AEA Scotland Golf Tournament Newcastleton 22 September 2013. Gil Nicol, Mick Walker, Andy Mullen (Winner) and Craig McQuade who hosted the outing.
On Parade. Armed Forces Day Grangemouth Saturday 24 August 2013 Armed Forces Day Grangemouth 24 August 2013Group photo at AFD Grangemouth 24 August 2013. Rear- Dougie Balloch, Joe Davidson, John Donaldson, Gordon McLeod, Eric Lowe (AB Logistics) Front- Mac McLusky, Tony 7RHA, Peter Duff and Frank Murray.
Grangemouth 28 September 2013.Craig McQuade, John Donaldson, Mick Walker, Gordon McLeod, Kenny Wratten, unknown, Dougie Archibald, Bob Hamilton, Andy Paterson, Gil Nicol, unknown, Frank Murray.Remembrance Day London, Horse Guards Parade, 10 November 2013. L-R Craig McQuade, John Donaldson, Dougie Archibald and Gil Nicol. Remembrance Day London 10 November 2013 outside the Sherlock Holmes Pubic House.L-R.Brian Spivey,  Gordon, John, Gurkha, Gil, Dougie and Craig.            Remembrance Day London 10 November 2013
Xmas Lunch The Royal Scots Club Edinburgh 30 November 2013.PRA Dance 6 December 2013. Mick Walker, John Donaldson, Gil Nicol. PRA Dance 6 December 2013 L. to R.- Ronnie Drummond, Craig McQuade, Mick Walker, Andy Mullen, Gil Nicol and John Donaldson.PRA Dance 6 December 2013. L. to R.- Craig McQuade, Bob Urquhart, Andy Mullen, Gil Nicol and Mick Walker. 
PRA Dance 6 December 2013.  Armed Forces Day Edinburgh 22 June 2014 Airborne Engineers Ass. (Scotland) and Lothian Branch PRA.- Armed Forces Day Edinburgh 22 June 2014. /Airborne Engineers Ass. (Scotland) and Lothian Branch PRA.- Armed Forces Day Edinburgh 22 June 2014.
/Armed Forces Day Stirling - 28 June 2014 Armed Forces Day Edinburgh 22 June 2014 /Armed Forces Day Edinburgh 22 June 2014 with The Kennedy Cupcakes /Armed Forces Day Edinburgh 22 June 2014 with The Kennedy Cupcakes
Arnhem 2014
17 September 2014,The George Inn London.  18 September 2014 On board Ferry to Calais with Chelsea Pensioner Eric Rawlinson formerly 6 Airborne. Group Photo Arnhem Bridge 19 September 2014.  Gil Nicol with David Whiteman 181 Para Field Ambulance 1st Airborne 19 September 2014. 
/19 September 2014 Oosterbeek Airborne Cemetery.  John Donaldson Oosterbeek Cemetery 19 September 2014.  Gordon McLeod, foreground, and Mick Walker at Oosterbeek Airborne Cemetery 19 September 2014.
Oosterbeek Crossroads 19 September 2014.

/Oosterbek Crossroads 19 September 2014 Gary Coe at Oosterbeek Crossroads 19 September 2014.  Memorial erected in1994, outside Hartenstein Museum. Locals dressed in the kit of of 1944 
 Dougie Archibald and Norrie Bishop inside Hartenstein Museum 20 September 2014.  /John Donaldson and Dougie Archibald outside Hartenstein Museum. 21 September 2014 Norrie Bishop, Bob Hamilton Dougie Archibald, Gordon McLeod and John Donaldson outside their Hotel.  21 September 2014 at Oosterbeek Airborne Cemetery, Jon Ansell, Ex 3 Para, Bob Hamilton, Norrie Bishop, Gil Nicol, Dougie Archibald, Mick Walker, Gordon McLeod and Dave Henderson. 
Ginkel Heath Arnhem 2014 Gordon McLeod, Dave Henderson and Craig McQuade with two German Paratroopers. The Lads with Heather our Tour Guide, Peter McHugh from Australia and George Tipping from USA. 21 September 2014. The Lads with Hugh Frost, Son of Major General John Frost.  21 September 2014 On our way home.
Grangemouth Park Memorial 28 September 2014   Gil Nicol and Kenny Wratten at the Old Comrades Association Dinner, Glasgow, 18 October 2014. Bob Hamilton in the Garden of Remembrance Edinburgh 3 November 2014. 
/Garden of Remembrance Edinburgh 3 November 2014. Airborne Engineers Scotland pay their respects to the fallen.   Garden of Remembrance Edinburgh 3 November 2014.  Garden of  Remembrance Edinburgh 3 November 2014.  9 November 2014 Cenotaph  London.
12April 2015
of the Attack on
Al-Milah, Aden.
Guards Club 12 April 2015.Rear Row. Bob Hamilton, Gil Nicol, Eoghann mclachlainn, Kenny Wratten, Dougie Archibald, Craig McQuade, John Donaldson, Alex Cockburn. Front. Peter Long, Andy Gemmel, Andy Mullen, Ronnie Drummond, Gordon McLeod, Frank Murray, and Mick Walker.  Guuards Club 12 April 2015. Ronnie Drummond, John Donaldson, Dougie Archibald.  Guards Club 12 April 2015.. Andy Gemmell and Bob Hamilton.  Guards Club 12 April 2015. Eoghann maclachlainn (Big Mac) and Andy Mullen. 
Guards Club 12 April 2015. Gil Nicol, Gordon McLeod and Dave Henderson.  /Guards Club 12 April 2015. Kenny Wratten, Gil Nicol and Dave Henderson.  Guards Club 12 April 2015. Ronnie Drummond and Alex Cockburn.  Guards Club 12 April 2015. Graig McQuade, Gil Nicol, Eoghann maclachlainnn and Andy Mullen.
12 April 2015. One for the road. Andy Gemmell, Gil Nicol, Bob Hamilton, Andy Mullen, Gordon McLeod and Kenny Wratten. Robin Naden preparing to lay the wreath at Airborne Forces Memorial, National Arboretum June 2015.  Robin Naden laying the wreath at Airborne Forces Memorial, National Arboretum June 2015.   
Cromwell Lock
Alec Cockburn, Kenny Wratten, Mick Waker and Gil Nicol. Front-John Donaldson, Alex McWhirter, Gordon McLeod, Andy Mullen, Andy Gemmell, Norrie Bishop and Craig McQuade. Cromwell Lock Group Photo 2 The Revd. Stuart Turner CF, Regimental Chaplin, 23 Parachute Engineer Regiment Leading the Parade Cromwell Lock Memorial
Cromwell Lock Gordon McLeod with AEA Piper Gil Nicol Craig McQuade
Andy Gemmell and Bob Hamilton at The Muskham Ferry 27 September 2015. Norrie Bishop at the Cromwell Lock Memorial 27 September 2015. Gordon McLeod at the Cromwell Lock Memorial 27 September 2015. Christmas Lunch - Royal Scots  Club, Edinburgh 28 November 2015
Garden of Remembrance Edinburgh 2 November 2015 /Bob Hamilton at the Garden of Remembrance Edinburgh 2 November 2015. Eoghann maclachlainn, Bob Hamilton, Kenny Wratten at Princes Street Gardens Edinburgh 2 November 2015. Gordon McLeod at the Garden of Remembrance Edinburgh 2 November 2015.
Kingsbury 12 April 2016
Kingsbury 12 April 2016 Renaming Ceremony "Lonergan Lines" Members of 300 Para Sqn RE who were at Al Milah, Radfan in April 1965 and Sgt. Pepper. Maj Jim Foster, OC 131 Cdo Sqn, receives the Lonergan Trophy from Maj Robin Ward, former OC of 300 Para Sqn. Renaming Ceremony, Kingsbury 12 April 2016
Easter Road Cemetery
12 June 2016 Group photo at Scott Wilsons Grave, Eastern Cemetery, Edinburgh. /12 June 2016 Scott Wilsons Grave, Eastern Cemetery, Edinburgh 12 June 2016 Group photo at Scott Wilsons Grave, Eastern Cemetery, Edinburgh Zetland Park, Grangemouth Memorial 25 September 2016.
John Donaldson, Frank Murray, Dougie Archibald, Gordon McLeod. Garden of Remembrance 31 October 2016.  WO2 John F Lonergan. Garden of Remembrance 31 October 2016.  12 April 2017-52nd Anniversary of the battle at Al Milah, Radfa Armed Forces Day Edinburgh 24 June 2017
/Armed Forces Day Edinburgh 24 June 2017 Cromwell Lock Memorial Service Zetland Park, Grangemouth 24 Seotember 2917.  24 September 2017, Cromwell Lock Memorial Service, Zetland Park, Grangemouth.  Scott Wilsons Grave 23 June 2018
Frank Murray's Funeral
  9 October 2017 AEA Scotland and Lothian PRA on parade at Frank MUrrays Funeral.  9 October 2017 AEA Scotland and Lothian PRA on parade at Frank Murrays Funeral 2
54th Anniversary of the firefight at Al-Milah, Radfan and presentation to John Donaldson at the Guards Club Edinburgh on Friday 12 April 2019.  Scott Wilson's Memorial Service 12 June 2019 Guards Club, Edinburgh, 12 June 2019. Gordon McLeod at the unveiling of the statue of a paratrooper at Aldershot 6 July 2019.
300 Troop Reunion 17 September 2018 John Donaldson receiving a gift from Joe Davidson 7 September 2019.  Bottle of Jura Malt Whisky adorned with 23 Special Air Service, AEA Scotlands Annual Lunch, Royal Scots Cllub, 7 September 2019.
Group photo of AEA Scotland Branch Annual Lunch 7 September 2019. /Joe Davidson presenting Gil Nicol with a bottle of Rum adorned with Para Wings and Pegasus at the RBS Grangemouth on 22 September 2019. /Cromwell Lock Memorial, Zetland Park, Grangemouth 22 September2019. Service of Re-Dedication of Cpl Scott Wilsons Gravestone 31 July 2021
Scotland Branch Members @ Gt Malvern 2023

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